Kristie’s Journal
Book announcements, musings, and reflections from a Christian romance author - and her cat, Arlo :)

The Socialite Release Day
It’s release day for The Socialite!!
The fourth book in the Ladies of Roderick Glen series is now available in both ebook and paperback, as well as Kindle Unlimited!

The Pianist’s Dream
I’m so excited to tell you about a surprise project that is releasing TODAY! The Pianist’s Dream is a prequel short story to The Ladies of Roderick Glen and takes place seven years before The Piano Teacher begins.

The Socialite Cover Reveal
The Socialite is the fourth book in the Ladies of Roderick Glen series and will release on August 29. Fanny takes center stage in this one and I can’t wait for you to read her story!

Plot Twist
But that’s life, isn’t it? We go along at a steady pace, taking everything in stride, when suddenly we slam into a plot twist we never saw coming, one that causes us to lose our footing.

Happy New Year!
As we prepare to say goodbye to 2022, I can’t help but reflect on everything that has happened in the past year. I’ve learned some valuable lessons, and I hope to carry them with me going forward.

Changing Seasons
Despite the sadness that life can bring, I still believe there are good things ahead of me. I believe there are good things in store for all of us. Whatever our current situation, I believe that while we draw breath there is hope that things can be better. All it takes is a bit of faith and trust.

The Governess Release Day
It’s release day for The Governess! It’s been a long time coming, but Fiona’s story is finally here! I’m so excited to share her backstory with you, and I do hope her happy ending will meet your expectations.

The Governess Cover Reveal
I’m so excited to share the cover for The Governess with you! The Governess is the third book in The Ladies of Roderick Glen series and the main storyline focuses on Roderick Glen’s star-crossed lovers, Fiona and George.

Spring Break Fun
Springtime is here! The grass is turning green, the temperatures are growing warmer, and my daffodils have already begun showing their sunny, yellow faces. Summertime in Texas is scorching, but springtime is always beautiful.

Happy Book Birthday!
Happy book birthday to The Piano Teacher! One year ago today, my debut novel released into the world. I remember feeling both elated and terrified at the same time.

To Give Thanks
Wherever you are and however you choose to spend tomorrow, I hope that you are safe, happy, and well. I pray this will be the best Thanksgiving yet.

The Dressmaker Is Here!
It’s release day for The Dressmaker! I’m feeling a mix of emotions today. Obviously, I am thrilled that this story, which began as a speck of an idea in my brain, has been released into the world. I’m excited for you to learn more about Marigold’s back story, as well as her journey to a happily ever after with Hadley.

The Dressmaker, Bookish Thoughts, and Jane Eyre
I have one important announcement for today. The second book in my Ladies of Roderick Glen series, The Dressmaker, releases on Nov. 2, exactly one month from today!!! I am a wee bit excited, if you couldn't tell ;) Marigold is one of my favorite characters in the series and I can't wait for you to read her story!

Mother’s Day
If you are struggling this Mother's Day, please know that you're not alone. To all the women whose dreams for motherhood have yet to come true, you are not alone. To all the children whose mothers have passed on, you are not alone. And to those that have played a part in the nurturing of children in any way, regardless of your status as a mom--this day is for you.

A Certain Point of View
I have often been asked why I chose to write The Piano Teacher from so many different points of view. Historical romance is usually written with only or two points of view, and my book is definitely a departure from that. The hero and heroine are the two most important characters in The Piano Teacher and certainly receive most of the attention; however, the supporting cast also have their own storylines and perspectives.

A Light in the Dark
Most of all, I’m thankful for God’s love. It will never disappear or abandon us, even when we are in the darkest of circumstances. It will beam as bright as the midday sun, filling our hearts with truth and light, and creating the desire to share it with others we meet along the way.

Love One Another
It's Valentine's Day. It's the day set aside to celebrate love. And however you choose to spend your time today, I hope you'll take a moment to contemplate what it means to truly love someone else. Jesus gave us the guidelines. It's up to us to define what they mean for our lives.

Journey to Roderick Glen
It has been exactly two weeks since The Piano Teacher was released into the world. I want to thank you again for the support you've shown me. Your sweet comments have been so uplifting and encouraging. I am truly honored to know you have enjoyed Melody's story.

After months of planning and preparation, The Piano Teacher, the first book in my Ladies of Roderick Glen series, has finally been released into the world. I don't have children of my own, but allowing my book to venture into the world of public opinion feels a bit like waving goodbye to a child as they begin their first day of school.