The Dressmaker Is Here!

It’s release day for The Dressmaker! I’m feeling a mix of emotions today. Obviously, I am thrilled that this story, which began as a speck of an idea in my brain, has been released into the world. I’m excited for you to learn more about Marigold’s back story, as well as her journey to a happily ever after with Hadley. I’m also a bit nervous, wondering how this new book baby will fare in the court of public opinion. More than anything else, I’m grateful for all the help and support I’ve been given to get to this point.


I’ve often been asked if I have a favorite among all the characters in this series. And while it would be impossible for me to choose just one favorite--I think that would be a little like trying to pick favorites between kids or pets—I will say that Marigold has a special place in my heart. There are pieces of myself in each of these women, and there is a lot of me in Marigold. I can’t sew a stitch, but I certainly understand what it is like to struggle with insecurities and self-doubt. And I’ve been told I can be stubborn at times 😉


If you’ve read The Piano Teacher, then you know these books aren’t just about one lady or one couple. I enjoy writing about a variety of characters, and The Dressmaker will continue some stories that began in The Piano Teacher, as well as add some new storylines. I do understand that it can be a lot to keep track of, so I’ve added a character index at the beginning of the book that will hopefully help with that.


Writing may be a solitary pursuit but publishing definitely is NOT. A big thank you to anyone that has helped in this process, but I want to especially thank my editor, Sarah Lamb; Peter O’Connor at Bespoke Book Covers; Lisa Thomas, Erin Bradley, and James Robertson-Reavis for their countless contributions, opinions, and feedback; as well as all the members of my launch team that have helped promote this book. I couldn’t have done any of this without you!


And thank you to all the readers that have shown an interest in my work. It still blows me away that people want to read my books and I don’t take any of it for granted. I’m so grateful for each of you!


To Give Thanks


The Dressmaker, Bookish Thoughts, and Jane Eyre