Plot Twist

Hello, friends. I hope you’re doing well and that these early days of spring have been wonderful for you 😊 Between my full-time job and time spent editing my next book, the days have flown by for me. I can hardly believe the month of March is gone!


Have you ever spent hours working on a project, and then, just as you’re nearing the end of it, suddenly realize another way to make it even better? I’m dealing with that right now. As I mentioned, I’m hard at work editing the fourth book in the Ladies of Roderick Glen series. I’m not quite ready to reveal the title just yet, but I hope to make that announcement soon. I thought I was nearing the end of edits until a few days ago, when an idea for a plot twist suddenly struck me with such force it was impossible to ignore. I’m very happy with this new idea, but implementing it also means doing a good bit of rewriting, particularly during the last third of the book. As you can imagine, I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I’m excited to see how the book will be improved by the new twist; on the other hand, it’s a bit discouraging to know I’ve still got a lot of work to do before the book will be ready for publication.


But that’s life, isn’t it? We go along at a steady pace, taking everything in stride, when suddenly we slam into a plot twist we never saw coming, one that causes us to lose our footing. We may even lose sight of the path completely and find ourselves in the midst of dark and unfamiliar surroundings, uncertain what to do next or which way we should go.


I love plot twists in books. I love when I’m reading a story and suddenly, I’m hit with a moment so unexpected it blows me away completely. I don’t get nearly as excited by plot twists in real life. They are often awkward and uncomfortable, sometimes even painful. But just as in a good book, when a plot twist will force the characters to find new ways to deal with the situations in their lives, real-life plot twists do the same for us. And guess what? We’re not alone in those moments, because no matter what unexpected events may occur in our lives, God is right there, waiting for us to seek His help and guidance.


Do you find yourself in the middle of an unexpected plot twist right now? Don’t despair, friend. You’ve got this. We’ve got this. And remember, on the other side of every plot twist awaits a happy ending. Have a great day, friends 😊


The Socialite Cover Reveal


Happy New Year!