Spring Break Fun

Springtime is here! The grass is turning green, the temperatures are growing warmer, and my daffodils have already begun showing their sunny, yellow faces. Summertime in Texas is scorching, but springtime is always beautiful.

            Are you doing anything fun for spring break this year? I don’t technically get a spring break because the bank only closes for certain holidays, but I took three days off at the end of last week for a mini-vacation. It was quite relaxing and definitely the getaway I needed.

            Last Wednesday, I was honored to do a book presentation at Books For Lunch, a monthly book club hosted by the Temple Public Library in Temple, Texas. I gave a brief summary of both The Piano Teacher and The Dressmaker and then read excerpts from each. Afterwards, I answered questions. This was the first book presentation I’ve done and I was definitely nervous, but I think it went well. I enjoyed meeting everyone and hope to visit again!

            On Thursday, five friends and I left for a quick trip to Port Aransas on the coast. It was a wonderful time of laughter, fun, and fellowship. The condo we stayed in was beautiful and the view of the ocean from our balcony was absolute perfection. The photo that accompanies this post was taken by my friend, James, and is definitely postcard worthy.

            That was last week. Now it’s back to work and back to real life. Now that I’m home, I am concentrating on finishing edits on my next book, the third book in the Ladies of Roderick Glen series. I’ll be doing a title reveal soon, so stay tuned for that. As always, you can follow my Facebook and Instagram pages for more bookish news and posts.

            Have a wonderful weekend and a beautiful spring break, friends!


The Governess Cover Reveal


A Legacy of Love