Changing Seasons

Hello, friends! I hope this finds you well 😊 It’s October, one of the busiest months of the year for me. It happens to be one of my favorite months, as well. There are lots of reasons to celebrate in October—birthdays, special events, and Halloween. October is also usually the month when the temperatures in Texas finally begin growing cooler. It’s a pivotal month, a changing of the seasons as we say farewell to summer and welcome the freshness of autumn and all it will bring to our lives.


Last weekend, I was privileged to attend homecoming festivities at my college alma mater, Howard Payne University in Brownwood, Texas. It was the first time I had been to homecoming in a few years, and it was wonderful to spend some time in the place that had such a profound impact on me. So much of the person I am now was formed while I attended HPU. The years I spent there truly laid the foundation for the rest of my life and I’ll always be grateful the Lord made it possible for me to study there.


As I strolled along the campus, I couldn’t help but be assailed by memories. Some of them brought a smile to my face, while others made me sigh for things that can never be again. I experienced both triumph and tragedy while at HPU, but my memories from that time are mostly positive. When I think back to that time in my life, the overwhelming feeling that comes to mind is hope—the hope I had for my future and the blessings I was certain God would bring to my life.


I think most of us would agree that life rarely turns out the way we expect. No matter the plans we have for our future, there are always events that take us by surprise, curveballs we didn’t see coming that send us on a path we never intended. Sometimes we find ourselves knocked to the ground and must scramble for our footing, searching for a way to keep moving forward.


As the years have passed, the one constant I have found in this life is God. No matter what comes, He is always there, standing patiently with outstretched hands, waiting for me to take His grasp and help me along to where I need to be.

I was full of dreams during my college years. Some of them have come true, others haven’t. I’m a bit older now and I hope a bit wiser, as well. I’ve certainly become more cynical as the years have passed, but deep down, I’m still a dreamer. Despite the sadness that life can bring, I still believe there are good things ahead of me. I believe there are good things in store for all of us. Whatever our current situation, I believe that while we draw breath there is hope that things can be better. All it takes is a bit of faith and trust.


I challenge you today, friend, to take the hand the Lord is offering you, dust yourself off, and allow Him to lead you into the next season of your life. Take time to admire the beauty of the journey along the way. And whatever you do, don’t ever stop dreaming.


Happy New Year!


The Governess Release Day