Happy New Year!

Hello, friends! It’s New Year’s Eve and I’m sitting here wondering where the year has gone. As the years have passed, I’ve come to realize that my parents were right when they said time passes more swiftly as you get older.


I have never been one to make New Year’s resolutions, but this year I am resolving to get back into the swing of things when it comes to writing and publishing. I took a break after The Governess was released in September to rest and recharge; however, what was supposed to be a two-week break turned into a two MONTH break.


I have various excuses for this, of course. We have been short-handed at work for months now and that has resulted in more fatigue when I come home in the evenings. It’s just been more difficult to motivate myself to write when I am already exhausted. Then I had COVID in early December and that certainly played a part in my loss of energy, as well.


No matter! Excuses aside, I am ready and eager to dive back into bookish things during this new year. I plan to begin edits on the fourth book in the Ladies of Roderick Glen series in January with plans to publish sometime in 2023, so stay tuned for more updates on that front 😊


As we prepare to say goodbye to 2022, I can’t help but reflect on everything that has happened in the past year. I’ve learned some valuable lessons, and I hope to carry them with me going forward. I’m also incredibly thankful for all the blessings God has given me. That definitely includes my readers! Thank you so much for reading my books and supporting me on this writing journey! I couldn’t do it without you and I’m grateful for each of you.


Happy New Year, friends. May it be filled with love, family, friends, and all manner of good things. And may your blessings continue without end.


Plot Twist


Changing Seasons