The Governess Release Day

It’s release day for The Governess! It’s been a long time coming, but Fiona’s story is finally here! I’m so excited to share her backstory with you, and I do hope her happy ending will meet your expectations. It was difficult at times to balance Fiona’s life at Cheswick Park with her past in Ireland, but I’m happy with the result, and I hope you will be, too 😊


As always in my Roderick Glen books, there are a few other storylines that take place along with the main storyline. In The Governess, you’ll be able to catch up with your favorite characters from Roderick Glen, including Fanny, Jasper, and CeCe. Melody, Henry, Marigold, and Hadley make appearances, as well. And for you Victoria and Barney fans, don’t fret, because they share a bit of the spotlight, as well 😊


I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to write and publish my books. I’m even more grateful for the people that have helped me along the way. To each and every one of you, please know how thankful I am for your contributions to my success. I could certainly never do this without you.


And a special thanks to all the readers that have shown an interest in my work. Your comments and messages of support mean everything to me. I’m so grateful for you! Happy reading and God bless each of you!


Changing Seasons


The Governess Cover Reveal